The North Fork Brewery, Pizzeria, Beer Shrine and Wedding Chapel
The North Fork is a great little brew pub that just happens to be located a few miles from the property we bought in Deming, WA. It is located at 6186 Mt. Baker Highway on the way to Mt, Baker ski area. We have visited the North Fork on each of our visits to the property and had a chance to sample just about all their beers and a fair number of pizzas as well. The beer is great and so is the pizza.
The brewery produces beer in the time-honored, time-intensive style of British Ales. They brew in small batches (109 gallons) that are hand transferred from fermentation to conditioning and on to serving tanks where they are served directly to the tap room, ensuring a fresh pint every pint.
In addition to their best-selling IPA, and a variety of barleywines that are a year-round favorites, other ales are offered in rotation, and they are always adding new selections to their beer menu, such as Bavarian-Style Hefeweizen and Blood Money Red Ale. Rotational specials are the lifeblood of the business and as a small brewery they can take more chances than most, so stop in and see what's on tap today. No wonder their taster sets are so popular!
Beers on the menu:
American Wheat Ale - This beer can be made using either ale or lager yeast. Brewed with 30 to 50 percent wheat, hop rates are higher & carbonation is lower that German wheat beers. Like the German wheat beers, a fruity aroma & flavor are typical. Color is usually pale.
Lighter Shade of Pale - A pale ale similar in body & color to their IPA but with less bitterness and aroma. A less aggressive ale than their IPA, designed for customers that are not total "hop heads."
Mild Brown - Mild Brown Ales range from a deep copper to brown in color. Malty sweet tones dominate the flavor profile with very little hop flavor or aroma.
India Pale Ale - India Pale Ales have intense hops bitterness and high alcohol content resulting in a crisp, dry beer, and may have hop aroma and strong hop flavor or bitterness with medium maltiness.
Special Bitter - Special Bitter is more robust that Ordinary Bitter. In addition, the Special Bitter has more hop character and maltiness than Ordinary Bitter.
Extra Special Bitter - E. S. B. possesses assertive hops qualities. The residual maltiness of this full-bodied is more pronounced than in other bitters.
Son of Frog - Son of Frog is an English style ale brewed with goodly amounts of caramel & chocolate malts and special roast malt. Dark red in color, Son of Frog delivers a full malty delivery and finish.
Strong Scotch Ale - Light brown to black in color that may be toasty, chocolate-like to sharp. Hop bitterness is medium to high with faint-moderate hop aroma. Body is medium high.
Avalanche Amber - Avalanche Amber is a medium body pale ale deriving its color from caramel malts. It is liberally hopped, with a distinct hop bitterness and a very floral nose.
Porter - The Porter delivers a rich malty flavor with hints of caramel and chocolate malts, moderate hop bitterness & faint hop flavor. A very drinkable, big dark ale.
Dry Stout - Dry Stouts have an initial malt & caramel flavor profile with a distinctive dry roasted bitterness in the finish. Dry Stouts achieve a dry roasted character by the use of roasted barley. Hop aroma & flavor are not present.
Barleywine - Barleywines are the strongest flavored of all the English style ales. Traditionally dark in color, barleywines can now range from pale to opaque. The flavor is usually that of a malty delivery with a sweet alcoholic, malty finish. A beer to be savored like a port wine, in small amounts before or after dinner or in front of a fireplace on a cold winter night with the one you love. Served in 8 oz. glasses only.
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